Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Dried Fig Package
Turkish Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500 ml
Turkish Dry Fig 500 gr
How You Can Make It?
We would like to share with you the miracle of fig cure with olive oil, which is the recipe of the famous medical scientist Ibn-i Sina, which is a cure-all with Allah’s permission. we recommend using natural sun-dried non-fabricated figs first. And again, it must be pure olive oil, otherwise, I think the cure will not be of much use.
- We wash our figs (by the way, I dried them myself) and leave them to drain.
- We chop it into small pieces, as you can see in the picture. We press the chopped figs into a half-liter glass jar as much as it takes.
- We fill it with enough olive oil to cover it, close its mouth and keep it in a dark place for 5 days. Then you can eat two or three pieces on an empty stomach in the morning. (After finishing the fig, add the new figs to the olive oil and continue by preparing them in the same way)
What are the benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Dried Fig?
It is very helpful for asthma and cough disease. You have to continue this course regularly for 6 months. It is very useful when eaten on an empty stomach for constipation problems. It protects heart health, regulates cholesterol, is beneficial for oral and dental health, and strengthens memory. Strengthen bones.
It is recommended to increase fertility in women, especially for women who want to become pregnant. Dried figs, which meet your sweet needs in a natural and healing way and speed up your metabolism, will help you lose weight. It beautifies the skin. It will be very useful in the prevention of flu infections in the winter months.
Thanks to the substance called “benzaldehyde”, has the feature of preventing the growth of cancer cells. In short, I cannot finish counting the benefits here, you can search for more. It is Allah who gives the cure, the fig is a healing fruit of paradise mentioned in the Qur’an, biiznillah. I hope all our troubles will be healed, my friends. I recommend you to make and use this cure as much as you can to shield all diseases.
Note: Not recommended for diabetics.
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